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Logan.WS / Articles / Rome Proposal Story / The Ring

Rome Proposal Story

The Ring
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The Engagement Ring
Logan knew the type of ring Jill wanted based on Jill one day telling him that she saw someone who had a diamond with triangle sapphires on either side but she wanted pink sapphires instead of blue. Another rule was that the diamond had to be a princess or round cut and had to stand out compared to the sapphires. Logan knew the size of Jill's ring finger due to her swapping around a ring that she had resized to go from her middle finger on her right hand to the ring finger on the same hand. Logan was with Jill when she had to have the finger measured and had seen the final product put on her left hand a couple of times. A side story could be told how this wasn't Jill's first ring design and how Logan yelled at Jill when the new design came into the picture saying that he could have already bought the first design.

The ring will be ready in a week and the plan is to wait over a month until Logan, Jill, Jill's family, and Jill's Mom's fellow Fordham board members go to Rome. Jill had been talking about how she was excited to see the Colosseum and the Roman forums and Logan was excited that it was on the itinerary. Logan picked up the ring in less than a week because it was ready. Logan would look at the ring from time to time taking it out of its secret hiding place so Jill wouldn't find it. The ring was great except that for some reason, from the side view the pink sapphires didn't look to be the same size. After a week of agony whether the side view was important or not he called up the jeweler from work and scheduled an appointment to bring in the ring. The jeweler claimed that the stones were measured to be the same size but after looking at the ring again he stated that they could have been set better. A week later the ring is picked up again and this time it is perfect.

Meanwhile this whole time everyone and their mother has told Logan that Rome has tons of pickpockets and that he should be very careful. This in addition to Logan's fear of getting the ring unnoticed through security at the airport, through customs in Italy, and through Jill's observation skills that would notice Logan carrying a big ring box around with him, sometimes gave Logan trouble sleeping at night. Finally a day before Logan leaves for the trip he remembers a secret compartment in his camera case, normally meant for extra digital cards, that would be perfect for the ring.

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