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Logan.WS / Articles / Are Wild Strawberries edible?

Are Wild Strawberries edible?

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Wild Strawberries
Photo taken by Bob Logan
So have you ever eaten a Wild Strawberry? Are you wondering how much time you have left to live? Well, there is a good chance that you are safe. In fact, you might have longer to live.

After doing a search over the internet, Logan has found that Wild Strawberries are not only edible, but have medicinal effects. Native Americans used to experiment with all types of wild plants and berries. The roots, leaves, and berries of Wild Strawberries have different uses.

The leaves and juice of strawberries have been used against diarrhea, tooth decay, and cancer.

Logan doesn't recommend eating anything that is in the wild without washing it first. You never know what animals have used that area for a bathroom or what pesticides have been sprayed there.

Logan or this website doesn't suggest eating any Wild Strawberries without verifying it for sure on your own that Wild Strawberries are edible. Logan or this website aren't responsible for any deaths caused by the eating of Wild Strawberries in result of this article.

Posted: June 18, 2005

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